Effective marketing isn’t just about presenting your services or information to prospective clients — it’s about developing an ongoing relationship with them. The best way to humanize your business and Reach more clients, Retain more clients and generate more Referrals? A well-produced video campaign. I’m…
A few months ago, I met Tamika Stafford at a business event and since then she’s invited me to other events and introduced me to the business manager near my office. In case you didn’t know, BB&T has a financial wellness and educational program that…
Jim Rohn says, "You must either modify your dreams or magnify your skills.” I started my business in 2013 left my full-time career in 2014 to work on my business full-time. It’s been one of the most difficult things I’ve ever done but, it’s definitely…
BUILD A TEAM: Did you know that 22 million of the 28 million small businesses in the U.S. have zero employees? ZERO. In 2013, when I started my company I did all the work. ALL OF IT. I knew I needed help, but I didn’t…
I knew I needed an estate plan and even worked with an attorney to produce 25 videos around estate and probate. I just never could find the time to actually get it done. After we finished Shontay Bridges, Esq., LL.M Firm’s video shoot, I knew…
Is your marketing company winging it? The business world today is a lot different than it was 10 years ago. The bar has been raised to a whole new level. Every successful business needs a marketing blueprint to define its goal, address them, and achieve…