I’m in the news! I just happened to see this picture of me floating down my newsfeed on LinkedIn. I was interviewed six or seven months ago and I’m so happy to see this article has finally launched! So excited. 🤗 “In fact, in just…
I’m a numbers person because numbers don’t lie. In 45 days one of our client’s videos reached over 35 THOUSAND of their ideal clients on Facebook and had over 1,565 clicks. Attorneys are serious searches so we know they just weren’t clicking because they ‘liked’…
It amazes me how many lawyers go through 'feast or famine' months because they're relying on word of mouth and referrals to bring in new business. Think about it. What is one 'brand' video going to do for your law firm? Today I'm featuring my…
September 7, 2015 I was on a podcast being interviewed by a young lawyer. At the end of the podcast she mentioned wanting to enter into the world of legal marketing. I’m so glad I can inspire people to live their dreams and pursue their…
Yesterday I received the following email,“I would like to revisit our discussion about marketing strategies for my firm. Thanks.” Our last email ‘touch’ was June 30, 2015. After visiting her website and social media pages I was wondering if they were the same person! Her…
4 years ago, I submitted my resignation from the largest IT financial company in the country...I walked away because it was the right thing for me to do. I had a plan but it wasn’t all figured out. I had to pull from my 401k…