Category: strategy


How Long Will You Wait For The Right Time?

4 years ago, I submitted my resignation from the largest IT financial company in the country...I walked away because it was the right thing for me to do. I had a plan but it wasn’t all figured out. I had to pull from my 401k…

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Why Are You So Afraid?

A little over a year ago we welcomed Ken Lanier to the CIA Media Group family. We met for lunch and at first I didn't recognize him! His online picture looked completely different than the man standing in front of me... I knew he could…

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700. That’s the number of attorneys and legal professionals expected to attend the seminar I’m speaking at today in Miami. That’s the number of people that I get to speak with about the future of legal marketing. That’s the number of lives I have a…

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Build A Team

BUILD A TEAM: Did you know that 22 million of the 28 million small businesses in the U.S. have zero employees? ZERO. In 2014, when I started my company I did all the work. ALL OF IT. I knew I needed help, but I didn’t…

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How Do You Stand Out?

During Phase I, our discovery process, I ask a lot of questions so that we can build out a video storyboard. The storyboard helps us help our clients' define who they are and what they do for their clients. A 13-year-old can shoot and edit…

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Why Should You Consider Marketing Your Law Firm?

Because I know you want to make a difference. My team and I finished up day 1 of a 2 day shoot for a client today and we learned so much about our client and his stories were amazing! He comes from a family of…

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