My company is THE ONLY digital marketing company in the country that specializes in video production, distribution, advertising and marketing EXCLUSIVELY for attorneys. We have a proven system that helps attorneys use video to attract their best clients, generate more referrals and build THRIVING law…
I’m in Memphis this week and my company, CIA Media Group, is proud to be one of the 137th Annual TBA Convention sponsors. We’re on a mission to help 1000 attorneys help 10,000 people and by doing that I will be able to employ more…
I run a video marketing and advertising agency that helps lawyers and law firms attract more clients and generate more referrals so that they can building thriving law firms without burning out and without additional WORK. (See the video below for a sneak peek behind…
20% of people remember what they HEAR 30% of people remember what they SEE and 70% of people remember what they SEE & HEAR Videos build trust with prospective clients, other attorneys and position you as the expert among experts, an authority and thought leader.…
There are a lot of things that make my company different, but one of them is that once you’re a client, we develop a friendship and you become part of the family. Every month we send our clients something to help them grow their business…
If you don’t, you will continue to lose business to the mass marketing mega law firms, lose opportunities to help more clients and make a difference, continue to work 60 to 80 hour work weeks with little to no time with your family and struggle…