Is all of your business coming from word of mouth and referrals? Do you know what your prospective clients will find when the search for you online?
In this video I share the #1 search result every lawyer should know because referrals are going to Google to search for you online. They may not be going online to verify your credentials but they may be going online to search for your location, phone number, website or picture. When I am referred to someone I always go online before the meeting them so that I can learn more about the person I am going to meet to look for their picture find out what I need to prepare before the meeting.
Your web presence involves so much more than an online business card aka a website. It’s important to optimize the content on all of your properties, not just your website. Your profiles will show up online so it is important to make sure that each one is optimized and always include a video if the option is available.
According to Rachel Lindteigen from, If you have optimized your site and your social channels, you can potentially gain a bigger portion of the SERP landscape through the featured snippet and position #1 ranking.
Quick tip: If all of your business is coming from word of mouth referrals why not create a video exclusively for them? You can send this video to them before you meet with them that explains more about your firm and the services that you offer.
About Creative Internet Authority:
Creative Internet Authority is a digital marketing company that specializes in producing and promoting videos for law firms. We use a 7 step process to create educational, informative and relevant videos that position law firms as thought leaders and authorities in the industry.
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