As of January 2016, when you share YouTube and Vimeo links on LinkedIn, they will auto-play in the feed, making for even more attention-grabbing. Twitter and Facebook may reign when it comes to social sharing of stories, blog posts, and visual media, but when it comes to direct traffic to your main site, LinkedIn is far and away the No. 1 social referral source. Source: Bufferapp
How can you use video to help yourself stand out? There are a number of ways you can incorporate video into your marketing strategy on LinkedIn. Include video on your personal LinkedIn profile and summary. You can also publish posts on LinkedIn and embed video links in the posts. Since LinkedIn has a business focus it is the place to showcase videos that establish you as an expert in your practice area.
By creating educational, informative and relevant videos you will increase the chances of your firm’s online visibility and exposure significantly growing. You will build trust with the search engines and prospective clients. The right videos position your firm as an authority, thought leader and expert in your industry.
Simply put, improved exposure using videos results in more targeted traffic, more new clients and increased revenue at your law firm.
About Creative Internet Authority:
Creative Internet Authority is a digital marketing company that specializes in producing and promoting videos for law firms. We use a 7 step process to create educational, informative and relevant videos that position law firms as thought leaders and authorities in the industry.
Helping Lawyers and Law Firms with the ABCs:
To learn more about Creative Internet Authority and how you can use videos to increase visibility and exposure download our guide below.