Facebook Users Watch Over 8 Billion Videos Every Single Day

“Days are expensive. When you spend a day you have one less day to spend. So make sure you spend each one wisely.” Jim Rohn

Guess what? Facebook users watch over 8 billion videos every single day.

Talk about opportunity!

And that’s just one of MANY social media networks packed with people searching for answers to their problems. Your prospective clients are on Facebook.

Just like websites have evolved in the last decade, videos in this decade are quickly being recognized as a necessary element of any effective law firms marketing plan. People are searching for legal information online, and videos provide the answers they’re looking for.

We know that lawyers are typically slow to adapt and 15 years ago very few lawyers and businesses had websites. That is no longer the case. Today, nearly every lawyer has a website and now is the time to forge ahead and implement videos into your marketing strategy.

Videos position you as the go-to expert in your industry and people prefer videos to text-based communication. People watch videos; they avoid reading. They spend far more time viewing videos on YouTube than reading books on their Kindle. That’s because video is a more engaging medium.

Keep in mind that most people would rather watch a movie than read the book that it’s based on. In general, video is an entertaining and informative type of content that people love.

It’s been said that by 2019, 80 to 90% of ALL internet traffic will be video. If you want business success, you can no longer afford to ignore video.