Category: Video Marketing for Law Firms


You Know You Need To Market Your Law Firm But Is Now The Right Time?

Can you handle more clients? Do you have a follow-up system in place? Do you understand how to run a business? The first 3 years of my business we simply couldn't handle more than a dozen clients. Why? Because I was doing all the work!…

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Sometimes prospective clients just go silent. No returns to emails or phone calls. Nada. Nothing. Zilch. Most people take that as rejection, but I don't. Most people give up, but I don't. Why? Because my clients are HEROES and they don't need or deserve high-pressure…

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Attorneys – Do You Know Who Your Ideal Clients Are?

I don't accept every attorney that contacts my company because every attorney isn't a good fit. There are some DIY lawyers and I while respect that, they're just not my ideal clients. My clients went to law school to practice law and help as many…

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Teamwork Makes The Dreams Work

I can’t say enough about the attorneys that I’m blessed to serve that help me employ people that are a blessing! At the end of every quarter I take time out to invest in my TEAM. I review the previous quarter and share the company…

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We Did It Again!

We did it again! Take a peek behind the scenes at our video shoot day with attorney Melanie D. Fenwick Thompson and her clients in Snellville, GA. REQUEST A QUOTE

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What Type Of Faith Does It Take To Dream That Big?

Check out this view! I am so honored to have some of the top attorneys in Atlanta as my clients. These behind-the-scenes videos not only capture who they are as people, it captures their professionalism, their commitment and their decisions to dream big and do…

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