Hiring my first team member was one of my greatest accomplishments in business. It’s helped me build a thriving business and contribute to my community through job creation. Did you know? 89% of employers have fewer than 20 employees. When you include sole proprietors, 98%…
My team and I can't wait to launch the newest set of videos for Atty Melaniece Bardley McKnight Being good is no longer good enough, being known brings in the new business. Being good is expected. Ready to use videos to attract your best clients,…
This is our 3rd shoot with Atty Melaniece Bardley McKnight and she’s going to crush it! 90% of our clients that started with us when we founded the company are still clients. They renew every year because they’re getting results. They’re no longer the ‘best…
I say ‘no’, a lot. I say it far more than I say ‘yes’ because attorneys, unfortunately, are slow to adapt. My sales cycle is longer than I’d like but it’s just the nature of my niche. Often, attorneys don’t understand the importance of a…
Past American Bar Association President and the 1st Woman to serve as State Bar of Georgia President Linda Klein spoke this at the Women Veterans Interactive Pink and White Empowerment Brunch. She’s amazing and the words she spoke resonated with me so much. I’m so…
What an HONOR it was to hear my client Attorney Stephen Scriber speak last night at the 3rd Thursday Networking Event of MAAP My Point: Entrepreneurs of MAAP (MAAP - Metro Atlanta Association of Professionals)! He shared so many valuable tips, insights and information about…