Being A Good Lawyer Is Not A Strategy

Yes, being a good lawyer is required in order to attract clients and generate referrals but it is NOT a strategy.

You work hard.

You’re one of the best.

You went to law school to help people and they should be beating a path to your door.

But they’re not and you don’t know why.

You network, attend association meetings and join groups with professionals in your industry.

You have lunch with people, exchange business cards, and connect on social media.

But the phone isn’t ringing.

You go to bed each night wondering where your next client is going to come from.

Throughout your legal career business has just “shown up” when you need it, but that’s not good enough anymore.

In order to scale, your law firm needs more clients, better clients, and predictable revenue.

Our proven system has helped hundreds of criminal, family, estate planning, employment and workers’ compensation attorneys help hundreds of people and generate millions in revenue.

We help attorneys use videos to attract better clients and generate more referrals so they can build thriving practices without burning out.

Ready to build a thriving law firm? Send a DM and we’ll set up a free confidential strategy session.