Last week Mansir and I were in Brooklyn, NY visiting my youngest daughter, Dominique. In 2017, I made a decision to take a minimum of 3 days OFF THE GRID per quarter in 2018. I’m happy to say I exceeded that goal! In 2018 I…
We enjoyed a fun game, good food and a great discussion. Then, we went to Barnes and Nobles so they could pick out books because I believe in giving gifts that help build libraries. Next, we headed back to the office where they played games…
Building a business is probably one of THE hardest things you can EVER imagine how your clients feel when they invest their money with your company. You must care about your clients and helping them get results. One size doesn’t fit all just like…
My company is shifting gears and although we're still working with law firms, we expanded to include government agencies and Fortune 500 companies. In order to meet and exceed our 10 year plan, we need to be nationally certified. I’m happy to say, today the…
I just can’t even contain it! I met Ashley a few months ago at an event and our photo came out blurry so I had to get another. Most people get excited about celebrities and I get excited about business owners and people passionate about…
In order to scale, you need to build a great team and seek out great clients. Clients that want RESULTS and allow you to work your system so you can help them achieve them. Attorney Andre’ Ramsay is the lawyer for the every day worker…