Being Good Isn’t Good Enough

Being good doesn’t get your phone to ring, being known does.

The path to success isn’t clear when starting your own business and from the outside looking in, it looks easy.

Lawyers call me or inquire about our services, pour their hearts out on the phone, request a proposal and then sometimes we never hear from them again.

Others get angry when I call to follow-up and I know why.

They’re faking it until they make it and they know, I know.

But what they don’t know is that I’m not judging. I want them to be free from the struggle and build thriving law firms and get past the 6/7 figure burnout to the 6/7 breakthrough!

There is no badge of honor for the struggle.

Putting in long hours away from your family and friends doesn’t equal clients. Grinding and hustling doesn’t mean you’re making smart decisions.

Checking off the marketing box doesn’t mean you’ll get new clients.

Don’t be ashamed of where you are right now in your business. News flash: Your business is nobody else’s business.

Starting a business is a risk, being in business is a daily grind. No one ever feels like they’ve truly made it. You don’t have to lie about where you are to impress people that really don’t care.