5 Ways Attorneys Can Use Video Marketing to Reach their Goals and Stand Out Online

When it comes to video marketing for lawyers, the results speak for themselves. Profiles with videos on Lawyers.com are viewed 174 percent more than those without a video, and increase the click-through rate to a firm’s website by 146 percent. 

When it comes to choosing an attorney building trust is important.  This can be done by using videos to introduce your firm and providing educational content to put clients at ease before they walk through your door.

By using video, you will accomplish important goals:

1. You can demonstrate your expertise in your practice for new clients and answer questions from current clients
2. You educate the clients on how your firm can help
3. Establish your firm as the #1 authority in your practice area by creating an educational library using the FAQs on your site
4. Build trust and authority online
5. Create Q&A videos to reach current clients and encourage referrals to maximize your existing client base

All practice areas can benefit from videos that educate prospective clients that are searching online for information.

If you're not using video marketing, you're missing out on a huge market opportunity. It’s not just the number of people who are watching videos that’s important – it’s the reasons why they watch it.

What is your firm doing to stand out in a crowded market?

1 When compared to profile pages without videos. Impact of Law Firm Videos on Lawyers.com Online Visibility, Lawyers.com Traffic Report, Nov. 2009

About Creative Internet Authority

Creative Internet Authority is a digital marketing company that specializes in producing and promoting videos for law firms. We use a 7 step process to create educational, informative and relevant videos that position law firms as thought leaders and authorities in the industry.

Helping Lawyers and Law Firms with the ABCs:

► Attracting the Right Prospective Clients
► Building Authority so that Prospective Clients Trust You
► Converting That Traffic Into Clients or Subscribers

Need videos for your law firm? Book a fast-track call now.