3 Ways Small Business Owners and Lawyers Can Use Video Marketing to Build Authority

Seven years ago I turned on my webcam and recorded my first YouTube video. I had no idea what I was doing or the impact that the videos would make to my life and audience I was growing. I now have over 30,000 subscribers and 4 million views on my personal channel. That channel 'sparked' my first product business and helped me generate my first six-figures online.

 What Changed?

When I started my YouTube channel in 2009 it was for personal use and when I shifted to a business model I created a new channel and uploaded videos that reflected a polished brand.

 There are times when 'homemade' business videos work!  I use personal videos that are not the highest quality when communicating directly with my clients' and when prospects request information.  Consumers do expect a few high-quality videos.  Just like your website is your consumer's first experience with your company, your videos may be also. What impression are you giving them?

Every business should have at least one high quality video that positions the owner as a thought leader or authority. ~Montina Portis

1. Build Authority with Educational Videos

Did you know that 80% of people remember the videos that they see online? Blog posts and social media posts only last for a moment and they are hard to find. Create videos that educate your consumer about your product or service. Videos can be repurposed on your website, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn and all of your social media accounts.

2. Create a Personal Experience using Video

Small business owners start their businesses because they are passionate about what they do. Share this on video! Emotions are contagious and videos can capture that emotion.

3. Rank Higher in the #1 Search Engine

YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world and it’s owned by the largest search engine in the world, Google. Transcribing your videos can help your website get ranked higher for keywords that you’d never be able to achieve through traditional SEO.

Facebook sees 8 billion video views per day. ~Tech Crunch, 2016

Marketers who use video receive 41% more web traffic from search than non-users. ~ Aberdeen via Vidyard, 2015

90% of Twitter video views are on mobile devices. ~Twitter, 2015

50% of advertisers are shifting budgets from TV to digital video. ~AOL Platforms, 2015

7 out 10 Millennials are likely to watch a company video when shopping online. ~Animoto, 2015

4 out of 5 shoppers say a video showing how a product or service works is important. ~Animoto, 2015

Video has been proven (over and over again) to be the most effective form of communication for brands and businesses. You cannot afford to ignore video marketing any more. Learn how you can get a FREE marketing video that positions you as a thought leader in your industry at http://atlantavideostudio.com


Montina is the founder of, Creative Internet Authority, a digital marketing company that specializes in video marketing for attorneys at small to medium sized law firms.

She is also the owner of, Atlanta Video Studio, a place where Professionals, Authors, Consultants, Experts, Entrepreneurs, Realtors and Speakers can record professional videos that position them as experts and authorities in their industries.

Montina went from living in a homeless shelter at 19 to graduating with her master's, retiring from the largest I.T. financial company in the United States in 2014 and founding the nation's only video marketing company in the country founded by a woman that focuses exclusively on marketing for attorneys.

Her life story proves that all things are possible to those that work hard and believe in achieving success. She is also the author of YouTube Secrets Revealed, How to Market Your Law Firm Online and she has over 4 million views on her YouTube channel and has produced over 450 videos for attorneys that have generated more than 50,000 views.

Learn how you can get a FREE marketing video that positions you as a thought leader in your industry at http://atlantavideostudio.com