124 Ways Lawyers Can Strategically Increase Visibility and Exposure Online in 4 hours or Less

A few weeks ago my agency, Creative Internet Authority, recorded 31 videos in 4 hours with workers' compensation attorney, Andre' Ramsay, for The Cochran Firm Atlanta. We wrapped up the shoot with a few videos outdoors.  These 31 videos provided us with enough content to build blog posts, add videos to pages on the website, upload the videos to YouTube and Wistia and promote the videos on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn. 

31 videos = 31 audios
31 audios = 31 transcribed files 
31 transcribed files = 31 blog posts 
31 videos = 93 additional pieces of educational, relevant, informative and authoritative pieces of content for marketing!  That is a total of 124 ways to strategically market and get found online.

How would your law firm stand out from the competition and build authority if you had 124 pieces of content online that positioned you as the expert in your practice area?  Next, I will share a few examples of how you can use videos to increase brand awareness, build authority and position your firm as the experts online.

1Add the Videos to an Optimized YouTube Channel

2. Transcribe the video and post a blog to the website

3.  Add the video to the Facebook Page

4. Add a video to the 'Contact' page

5. Add a video to your Avvo Profile

Andre' is a young lawyer but with 124 pieces of educational, informative and authoritative content online he is building trust and authority with his prospective clients online.  Creating a video is just one step but if your firm does not have a strategy to promote the content then you are not going to increase your visibility and exposure online. 

If your content can't be found online by your prospective clients then you are just wasting your time and we know that your time is worth money.  How much more are you willing to waste?

About Creative Internet Authority

Creative Internet Authority is a digital marketing company that specializes in producing and promoting videos for law firms. We use a 7 step process to create educational, informative and relevant videos that position law firms as thought leaders and authorities in the industry.

Helping Lawyers and Law Firms with the ABCs:

► Attracting the Right Prospective Clients
► Building Authority so that Prospective Clients Trust You
► Converting That Traffic Into Clients or Subscribers

Need a welcome video for your law firm? In Atlanta?  Learn how you can get your welcome video today! Get the details and guide!